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    Welcome in Sunshiu's nest!Full time NSFW furry artist, ball python mama and a Littlest Petshop collector 💕✨
    I like to draw cute femboys/ladies and pretty mommies!
    My work is exclusively for adults



    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ❌

    Gender:AFAB • She/TheyOrientation:Pansexual
    Role T/B:BottomRole D/S:Sub • Switch
    Height:169cm • 5.54ftWeight:60kg • 132lbs
    Species:Fluffy Ball python • Cobra • Alien || Infected by a non-fused Andorian parasiteFrom:Earth
    Job:Artist • Space adventurerTheme:♫ Sugar&Co. - tape/stop/night



    • Front hair are pink with a pastel pink streak, and the back is green.

    • Her natural fur color is ivory, but she always dyes it. She sometimes changes her patterns color for events such as Halloween, Christmas, valentine's day, etc.

    • She always dyes her tail with pastel; green, yellow, orange, pink, purple and blue.

    • Small sized chest!

    • The strawberry at the tip of her tail is actually a valuable tool for hunting. It has two purple tentacles with microscopic and retractable needles with paralyzing venom. It open itself in four sections.

    • Her tongue, nipples and genitals are green. She doesn't have a slit like other scalies but a normal looking vagina with a dicklit.

    • Warm pink gemme star on her forehead, hazel eyes, three heat pits on both sides of her snoot, darker lips, beautymark on the right cheek and a labret piercing.

    • She has a hidden cobra hood that comes out only when she freaks out or is mad. However when Weremum take control over the body, her cobra hood is always out.

    • Talking about Weremum, whenever Milky has one of her eye turning pink with a dark sclera, it is Weremum taking control of one eye to see the outside.

    • She needs to lay down eggs every month just like periods in mammals. Her eggs comes out by her dicklit who has a hole to let her eggs out. This process doesn't hurt her at all.

    Commissioned art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: Ask

    Type:2nd fursonaAge:24
    Gender:Intersex • She/TheyOrientation:Pansexual
    Role T/B:BottomRole D/S:Sub • Switch
    Height:150cm • 4.92ftWeight:56kg • 123lbs
    Species:Nudibranch (sea slug)From:Kentari
    Job:Artist • Pet sitter • FloristTheme:♫ Ko-Ko-Ya -うれし、たのし


    • Her mantle is glued to her whole back body from the tip of the head to the bottom of her butt. She therefore cannot wear normal clothes.

    • Her rhinophores (antennae) on her head allows her to perceive her environment even though she has no eyes.

    • Her hair are thick and gelatinous.

    • Skin is soft and squishy under the touche.

    • She has both male and female genitalia. Her male genital will hide in a pouch inside of her feminine intimacy and will come out from her vagina whenever she's aroused and want to use her male part.

    • She can lay small pearl shaped eggs.

    • Her main body is ivory while her mantle is colored with mint green, light pink and pastel yellow.

    • She has an inverted pink and mint heart marking below the chest.

    • Claws on her hands are actually squishy.

    • She likes to snuggle herself into her tail whenever she feels playful, tired and shy.

    Commissioned art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ✅

    Type:3rd fursonaAge:Unknown • Adult
    Gender:Intersex • TheyOrientation:Pansexual
    Role T/B:Power bottom • SwitchRole D/S:Switch
    Height:169cm • 5.54ftWeight:61kg • 134lbs
    Species:Death god • Shapeshifter || Has the form of an AndorianFrom:Unknown
    Job:Seamstress • Porn star | Soul guiderTheme:♫ Don't Be So Shy (Magic Cover)

    FriendlyHot bath


    • They are a shapeshifter and can change their appearance and/or body parts whenever they want. However, shiu will always keep their fur patterns and colors.

    • They have heterochromia, right eye is pink and the left one green.

    • The goo under their tail is slime. Shiu can use it on many purposes; grabbing objects, hanging themself, etc. Their horns are made of slime too but with a solid translucent coat around it.

    • May have thick fluff around the neck (mostly wear this during winter)

    • Warm pink colored piercings on the lips, tongue, ears, and below their anus. Nipples have green piercings and ears have huge translucent green gauges.

    • Shiu has both female and male genitals. Their anus has the shape of a donut and is puffy and squishy.

    • Has squishy pawpads under their hooves

    • Hair colour splitted in two, pink on the top/front and brown on the back/bottom

    • Three feelers in their back

    • Insides is made of goo

    • Body is primarely made of fur but can be anything like skin, scales, goo, etc.

    • Genitals can be designed and changed how we want for the fun of it! Size can vary a lot too.

    • Long tongue, can be any length.


    Curse to honor
    "To adore life yet be the one who ends it, isn’t that the height of irony?
    I have no memory of who I was before, nor even if I truly existed as a mortal. All I know is that one day, I awoke under the rays of a full moon tinged with pink. Mr. Pickle, my pet, was here with me. We were nestled within a green-hued comet, its summit fractured by time. The gentle rays of that strange yet familiar moon caressed my still-slumbering body. Without quite knowing how, I became aware of my purpose from the very first steps I took out of the heart of that celestial rock that had once been my nest. I watched the world grow and bloom, and I even fell in love with it. Yet I was the one burdened with the duty to reclaim what had been given. Like a budding flower, I saw those around me grow, bloom, and wither, offering me their final petals as they reached out to me, ready to be guided into a distant realm.I embody the end and the beginning of something new, a never-ending cycle of fleeting existences traversing this world, cradled by an infinite far greater than ourselves. My role as a guide, or more commonly, as a god of death, was my greatest curse. The pain of watching a rose lose its beautiful adornments once seemed insurmountable. But time bestowed upon me an unexpected gift: precious beings who brought me a new perspective on myself. Today, I no longer see my duty as a burden, but as an honor. The honor of being the one who accompanies souls on their final journey in this world, and the privilege of offering them one last smile as a farewell."

    Commissioned art

    Gift art


    Vore • Unbirth


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: Ask

    Gender:Female • She/HerOrientation:Pansexual
    Role T/B:BottomRole D/S:Dom
    Height:307cm • 10.07ftWeight:263kg • 579lbs
    Species:Non-fused Andorian parasite living in MilkyFrom:Kentari
    Job:/Theme:♫ cannibal - ke$ha (s l o w e d)
    GluttonFood. Every kind.


    • Almost everything same as Milky except for few things:

    • Her cobra hood is always out.

    • She has no back (green) hair.

    • As Weremum is originally an Andorian Parasite, she has goo horns protected by a solid translucent coat. Her horns produce aphrodisiac fumes that she uses to arouse her prey.

    • She has spikes on each color of the dye on her tail.

    • Unlike Milky, the strawberry on their tail is more often open when Weremum is in control.

    • Sclera is black but her eyes can turn fully pink when she eats due to the pleasure it gives her.

    • She is chubbier and thicker than Milky.

    • Her belly can expand a lot.

    • In her true parasite form she's only 4cm/1.57" which is already big for her species.

    Commissioned art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ✅

    Gender:Intersex • She/HerOrientation:Pansexual • PolyA
    Role T/B:SwitchRole D/S:Switch
    Height:198cm • 6.49ftWeight:125kg • 275lbs
    Job:FloristTheme:♫ 七時の食事 (Chocolate Lemon)
    JoyfulHer family
    ClumsyHer wife Lycoris
    KindVanilla coffee
    FriendlyThe beach


    • Chisu is a Faeris Alpha and has a chubby/thick body.

    • Thin and soft fur all over her body except for her wrists and neck fluff where the fur is longer.

    • Big round eyebrows.

    • 4 fingers and 3 tiny toes with pawpads.

    • 4 wings with light and dark blue hues.

    • Back hair goes town to her butt.

    • Has a thick tail with her male genitalia hidding inside.

    • Small heart shaped mark on her pubis (left).

    • Genitals, nipples, tongue, beans, claws and eyes are blue.

    • Beauty mark under the left eye.

    • She wears glasses when she does task that needs a near vision. She has presbyopia.

    • Once a month, she needs to lay tiny round eggs. These comes out by her female genitalia but can also be laid by her male genitalia.

    Commissioned art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ✅

    Gender:AFAB • She/HerOrientation:Pansexual • Homoromantic
    Role T/B:SwitchRole D/S:Switch
    Height:384cm • 12.59ftWeight:263kg • 579lbs
    Job:Tattoo piercer • Pet sitterTheme:♫ Gloria Tells - Best Kind of Weird
    FriendlyMeeting with peeps


    • Her whole body has diamond shaped scales that reflect to light.

    • Chubby tummy with a piercing.

    • Her teeth have different sizes and are not symmetrical.

    • Inverted nipples.

    • Long neck with a bit of fat in the front.

    • Nails are purple and semi translucent at the tip.

    • Her tongue is purple and able to move.

    • Female genital is purple.

    • Nostril piercing.

    • 5 purple scales beneath both eyes.

    Commissioned art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ✅

    Gender:AFAB • She/HerOrientation:Pansexual • Heteroromantic
    Role T/B:SwitchRole D/S:Switch
    Height:258cm • 8.46ftWeight:196kg • 432lbs
    Job:Founder and owner of the Lustful Palace and its employeesTheme:♫ Annapantsu - Feeling Good
    CaringHer protégés
    ConfidentThe Palace
    /Calm nights


    • Ivory belly scales, pastel pink body scales and warm pink leopard marking. Shoulders' are heart shaped and she has a heart marking inbetween her chest.

    • Brown nipples and genital.

    • Beauty mark under her left eye.

    • Her eyes are yellow and glow in the dark just like her seven little scaly friends.

    • Seven little sneky friends as her back hair, the tip being warm pink and the start brown. Front hair is soft and brown.

    • A soft chubby lady. ♥

    • Her maw has pointy teeth, two retractable venom fangs which draws two slit on her uper lip, and two heat pits on the upper end of her lips on both sides.

    • Her venom is an aphrodisiac.

    • Purple forked tongue and warm pink lips.

    • Always wears jeweleries, mostly ears jewelery.

    • Warm pink colored line which goes from the neck to the tip of her tail.


    When she was younger, Beatriss embarked on a career as a bounty hunter and spy. Over time, she quickly climbed the ranks and became an important member of the organization she worked for. She later met Victor, a very talented agent just like herself, and the two of them had to work hand in hand on a mission they successfully completed with brilliance! Their duo became so popular that they were officially paired up and took on the biggest missions together. As they went on adventures together, they grew very close until a small spark formed between them. Victor soon declared his love and proposed to her under the New Year's fireworks (and she said yes!).
    Seven years have passed since then. One day, the company's boss informs the couple that they will have an extraordinary mission. They need to travel to another planet for an emergency rescue. Upon arrival, the couple quickly realizes that this is no ordinary rescue. In front of them, amid a dense forest, a building is on fire. From a distance, they see spaceships leaving. Gunshots ring out from all directions. Without hesitation, Beatriss and Victor dive into their mission to save the targets. Upon entering the building, they discover numerous laboratories... The couple manages to get everyone out, but as they run toward the exit, Beatriss glimpses a figure out of the corner of her eye and rushes over. Victor joins her and finds her standing in front of several broken tanks, except one... It contains what appears to be an adult male serpent, and he is awake and staring at Beatriss. Bea immediately calls Victor for help. As the building becomes increasingly engulfed in flames, the couple manages to barely extract the individual from the tank. Beatriss takes the young man in her arms and runs toward the exit but quickly realizes that Victor has not followed her. Her husband had stayed in the incubation room after finding suspicious documents. Just as he is about to join Bea, an explosion erupts. The blast is so violent that it throws Beatriss and the young man to the ground. Bea loses consciousness as her head hits the floor violently... She wakes up in a hospital room, with no clear memory of what happened. Until an agent comes to inform her of the news: They succeeded in the rescue. However, her husband Victor did not survive the mission... Beatriss, in shock, bursts into tears. After several days of recovery, she is finally able to leave the hospital. An agent is waiting for her with a young man dressed in black, holding a bouquet of red roses. Bea recognizes him. He is the man she saved in the laboratory. Without a name, she decides to call the young man Sebastian. They both attend Victor's funeral, and Sebastian stays close to Beatriss during her mourning. Unable to return to work, Beatriss resigns and decides to leave the country, with Sebastian choosing to follow her. The two of them settle in Stardust City, and Sebastian vows to be forever there to serve and protect her in gratitude for saving him. Sebastian then officially becomes Bea's butler, and the two embark on a new project, the LustfulToday
    Beatriss is doing better. She has found a new family to cherish, and Sebastian is still by her side. She is the owner of the Lustful Palace, now the most famous cabaret in Stardust City. She has made peace with her past and keeps Victor forever in her heart. Beatriss has, however, found a new love in none other than her faithful butler, Sebastian~

    Commissioned art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ❌

    Gender:AMAB • He/HimOrientation:Demisexual
    Role T/B:SwitchRole D/S:Switch • Dom
    Height:188cm • 6.16ftWeight:63kg • 138lbs
    Species:Black mamba • Reticulated pythonFrom:[Text Censored]
    Job:Butler of Beatriss, Supervisor of the Lustful Palace and [Text Censored].Theme:♫ Peter Gundry - The Last Dance


    • Right eye is blind and keeped close. Hair are hidding it from people's sight.

    • Has many scares; one on the right uper lip, one on the right eye, one going all around his neck, one in the middle of the torso, one on his left hip, one at the tip of his tail and 3 on his back.

    • His saliva is made of a latex symbiote that he can control.

    • Fangs are visible and go over his bottom lip.

    • Left eye is red and glow in the dark.

    • Very long tail.

    • Hemipenis with one being smaller than the other one.

    • His blood is black and lookalike petrol.


    [Text Censored]. Sebastian, who did not yet have a name at that time, was found in a tank and rescued from a laboratory by Beatriss and her husband Victor, who were on a rescue mission. Unfortunately, the rescue did not go as planned, and Beatriss's husband died in an explosion within the building where Sebastian was held captive. The explosion was so violent that it threw both him and his rescuer to the ground. Beatriss ended up unconscious, hitting the floor with her head. Sebastian, still conscious, did his best to get her out of there and bring her back to the ship, pretending to be a scientist to avoid any problems. The return journey was quick. Beatriss was placed in a hospital room, and Sebastian stayed by her side the whole time until he was asked to leave. It was several days later that he found her at the hospital exit, dressed in black, with a bouquet of red roses in hand. Beatriss recognized him immediately and asked how he was. Knowing he had no name, she decided to call him Sebastian, which he accepted with honor. Even after her discharge, Sebastian stayed with Beatriss. He attended the funeral of her husband Victor, which was very painful for her. He accompanied her in her grief and did everything possible to keep her head above water. Beatriss eventually resigned, and the two left the country to move to Stardust City, where they started a new life. The new duo embarked on a new cabaret project called the Lustful Palace, a place that would become iconic for them and their future family, which they could not yet imagine at that time. Sebastian kneeled in front of Beatriss and swore to serve and protect her in gratitude for saving him. He thus became her butler, and from there, a precious relationship was born, which would continue to grow over time.
    Sebastian is still Beatriss's butler, and his role within the Lustful Palace has become crucial. He is always quite jealous when he sees others touching his Mistress, and at the same time, it fills him with indescribable pleasure. The reconstituted family of the Lustful Palace sometimes exasperates Sebastian, and even though he appears cold and unfriendly towards them, deep down, he likes them when he puts his jealousy aside. He is happy with this new life and is forever grateful to Beatriss and Victor for saving him from his nightmare.

    Commissioned art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ✅

    Gender:AMAB • He/TheyOrientation:Pansexual • Autoromantic
    Role T/B:TopRole D/S:Dom
    Height:221cm • 7.25ft (without horns)Weight:116kg • 255lbs
    Species:Naga • Python • Goo creatureFrom:Unknown
    Job:Guardian of the Lustful Palace and master of the Milking Station.Theme:♫ Exangel - Fangs
    PlayfulHot bath
    MindfulHis friends


    • Kaijin doesn't have scales but a soft skin. It is due to him actually being a goo creature.

    • Always squishy under touch. May be goopy if he wants to.

    • Long pink hair. They are always tied up, he untie them only to sleep.

    • Long and thick hemipenis hidding in a slit. Right one has a pink tip and the left one a yellow tip.

    • Piercings on; his lips, snoot, cheeks, under eyes, horns, collarbones, nipples, belly button, hips and both genitals.

    • Under his goo form, he can wrap himself around another's body to play with them.

    • Base of the tongue is pink and slowly goes to yellow at the tip.


    No one knows where Kaijin comes from, and he himself does not provide any information about his past. Originally, he was hired as a guardian at the Lustful Palace and has since become an essential member. He later on created the Milking Station, of which he is now the master. Despite his unclear past, the members of the Lustful Palace love him immensely and welcomed him without asking questions, something he greatly appreciates. Maybe one day he will reveal more about himself? Who knows~

    Gift art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ✅

    Gender:AMAB • They/ThemOrientation:Pansexual • Homoromantic
    Role T/B:Top (only bottom with one of their partner, Umbra)Role D/S:Dom
    Height:210cm • 6.88ft | Can change sizeWeight:Unknown
    Species:W̶i̶n̶g̶e̶d̶ ̶w̶o̶l̶f̶ G̸͖̙̯̾̈̽O̸̝͖̭͋̏̾̋D̸̩̮̿̿From:Unknown
    Job:Cult LeaderTheme:♫ Rockwell - Childhood Memories
    ReservedNight time
    MasochisticUmbra & Toshi
    CharismaticPurple things


    • White "◡" symbole floating on top of their head. It glows in the dark of a purple hue.

    • Horned face mask is made of void. Cannot be removed. Only the left eye is seen, and a constant smile made of teeth.

    • three spikes and two rings piercings on the left ear and big ass gauges on both sides.

    • Long hair, the front touching the void mask being white and the rest being dark grey and purple.

    • Have piercings on: nipples, two on each side of his hips, two at the base of his tail, prince albert piercing, four on their genital.

    • Diamond markings on the neck and biceps/triceps. Both shoulders have the "◡" marking, but the left one continues on the arm into a bigger marking.

    • Both wrists have two lines, left grey and right black. Hands both have the "◡" too, again grey for left and black for right.

    • Two scars in the back where were their wings. The left one goes further in the lower back.

    • Dark grey wolf tail.


    Alex grew up in a cult that his mother joined after the "mysterious" death of his father. At eighteen, Alex receives an invitation from the deity of the cult to attend a Midnight Feast... Little did he know what awaited him that night.
    [̵͓̘͓̆̓̉T҉̘͙̋̑̿̔̎e҉̲͔͔̦̎̐ẍ̸̫̩͙͎́̍͒̚t҈̳͍̫̣̔̓ C̸̩͓͒̑̀e̷͉̬̭͒̒n҈͓͖͔́̃s̸̲̜̫͌̅o̴̙̪͗̾̚r̶̙̟̲͙͔̉͗̆̆ë̸̮͇̝́̀̌̚ḓ̴̜̙̄̋̃̓̔]̵̞̝̆̇̆͆Now known as V.O.I.D, the wounded being stands tall in front of the crowd and proclaims, "[̵͓̘͓̆̓̉T҉̘͙̋̑̿̔̎e҉̲͔͔̦̎̐ẍ̸̫̩͙͎́̍͒̚t҈̳͍̫̣̔̓ C̸̩͓͒̑̀e̷͉̬̭͒̒n҈͓͖͔́̃s̸̲̜̫͌̅o̴̙̪͗̾̚r̶̙̟̲͙͔̉͗̆̆ë̸̮͇̝́̀̌̚ḓ̴̜̙̄̋̃̓̔]̵̞̝̆̇̆͆"Today
    Still the leader of the Cult of the Void, V.O.I.D now faces the harsh reality of the duties that fall upon them as the new God of the Void. However, they find comfort in their two partners, Umbra and Toshi. Toshi introduces V.O.I.D to the outside world, though they often feel uncomfortable and out of place in it.

    Gift art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ❌

    Role T/B:TopRole D/S:Switch
    Height:184cm • 6.03ftWeight:Unkown
    Species:Void BeeFrom:The void
    Job:V.O.I.D's butlerTheme:♫ Soap&Skin - Me and the Devil (slowed)
    MatureV.O.I.D & Toshi
    HardworkerTea with honey
    TolerantThe cult
    OrganizedDark nights
    CompetitiveReading books


    • Soft fur on the whole body.

    • Is almost entirely blind. He will wear a monocle for some limited vision.

    • His belly, back and the black diamond shaped markings on his body are void. Both can melt from the body, changing marking locations.

    • The liquid void kept on and in his body is his main way to "see".

    • He can also share the vision with those who touch his goo. By this way Umbra can also see through the other person's eyes.


    When V.O.I.D ascended as the new savior of the cult, they summoned an entity from the void: Umbra. At first, Umbra was merely a servant, bound to fulfill every command of the new God of the Void. He harbored a certain resentment toward V.O.I.D, viewing them as an impostor who had simply claimed the crown of the former god. Yet, over time, Umbra came to know this new sovereign and saw in them a unique potential. He resolved to guide the new God of the Void toward success.
    However, the void's servant quickly realized that V.O.I.D was unlike the previous deity. They were more sensitive and compassionate, though mentally unstable due to numerous traumas. Despite this, Umbra remained steadfast in his efforts to counsel V.O.I.D, repeatedly reminding them of their duties as the new Divinity of the Void, duties the God preferred to ignore. Eventually, it took Death itself to intervene, compelling the God to face the harsh reality of what they had now become.Today
    Umbra continues to guide V.O.I.D along the path of the void. Even though he isn’t entirely fond of Toshi taking V.O.I.D outside the cult to explore the world, Umbra knows it does them good, helping them stay strong despite the difficult tasks assigned to them.

    Commissioned art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ✅

    Role T/B:BottomRole D/S:Sub
    Height:169cm • 5.54ftWeight:60kg • 132lbs
    Species:Octopuppy (CS by TentacleNoose)From:Kentari
    Job:Hairdresser • Music composerTheme:♫ 8 Bit Spring - HeatleyBros
    SweetV.O.I.D & Umbra
    CuddlyColorful things
    EmotionalCinnamonroll goodies
    Sweet toothMovie nights


    • Very soft and squishy skin (no fur).

    • Hair goes in front of his eyes.

    • He has octopus looking pupiles.

    • Tentacle tongue and male genital.

    • No toe beans.

    • Has tentacle bracelets around wrists and ankles.

    • Piercings on: The nose, snake bites (lips), tentacles on head, back of both hands, nipples, belly button and hips.

    • Pearl is hold in his hair.


    Toshi grew up in an orphanage until he came of age. Once he left, he settled in a small seaside residence in Stardust City. Toshi trained to become a hairstylist and colorist while pursuing independent music during his free time. A fan of 8-bit games, he began composing similar music for fun. It was also here that his obsession with collecting objects began. If it’s colorful, he’ll take it! He has a particular fondness for Cinnamonroll from the Sanrio franchise.It wasn’t until much later that he met V.O.I.D and Umbra. Toshi was the first to befriend V.O.I.D and treat him like a normal person, which did wonders for the new god of the void. Toshi became an important figure for V.O.I.D, offering him mental stability and hope for the future while gently influencing Umbra’s pessimistic perception of the world outside the cult.
    Despite the troubling obligations of his loved ones, Toshi remains a strong source of support and always brings them joy in their daily lives.

    Commissioned art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ✅

    Gender:AMAB • She/TheyOrientation:Pansexual
    Role T/B:SwitchRole D/S:Submissive
    Height:203cm • 6.66ftWeight:162kg • 357lbs
    Species:Kentari SpiderFrom:Kentari
    Job:Boss of the Sunflower Circus • Clown • JesterTheme:♫ Madeleine - Les Glaçons
    MotherlyBlood tea
    Easily distractedMake people smile


    • Chest is puffy and only made of fluff.

    • Has six eyes, the 6th being on her tongue.

    • Jade fangs.

    • Has four back tentacles as seconde limbs.

    • She's deaf. However she can "hear" with the help of her silk ability. If one of her tentacle touches it, she can percieve sounds in her head and know exactly what people do or say.

    • Her right+tongue eyes have an X shapped pupil while the other ones has a spiral.

    • Joints are soft and squishy.

    • Tail is thick with a kind of claw at the tip of it. Skull marking on her tail.


    Jess was born into the royal family of the Kentari Spiders. From a young age, she had a passion for performance. Her older brother, Ran, often secretly took her to the Sunflower Circus. But being of royal blood, when the young girl, still a child at the time, declared that she wanted to become a clown and join a circus, she was ridiculed by her father and punished. Ran was forced to distance himself from her to "avoid influencing her foolishness," as their father put it. Jess slowly began to isolate herself, spending time alone and secretly practicing to one day become a clown. Her mother would occasionally visit her to encourage her dreams and show her a few moves she had learned in her past, far from the royal seat~
    It was during her teenage years that Jess started questioning her identity. Little by little, her reflection in the mirror became unbearable and painful. At the age of 16, she came out to her parents as Jess. While her mother was very understanding and happy for her daughter, her father completely disowned her. After all, "his son was supposed to be a future heir to the throne." His words deeply hurt Jess, who decided to put an end to the charade. She packed her bags, left a letter for her mother, her sisters, and her older brother, and departed from the royal nest to embrace the outside world and become the woman she dreamed of being.For over 11 years, Jess worked in a restaurant to make ends meet, despite discreet help from her older brother Ran. She was able to see a psychologist and receive the necessary support to undergo her gender transition. For the first time in a long while, Jess felt at peace with herself. But something was missing, a dream still lingering: being part of a circus.
    She began researching and soon came across the circus that had filled her childhood with dreams, the Sunflower Circus. Although she was aware that this circus had been declining for years under its new director, Balley, Jess saw it as a golden opportunity to try and breathe new life into the circus that had shaped her childhood. She was quickly hired, and it was there that she truly began living the life she had always dreamed of. Or at least, that's what she thought at first. She quickly realized that many things were going wrong because of Balley.
    She quickly bonds with the crew. Jess takes a special interest in Chanel and soon learns his story. With a strong sense of justice, she doesn’t hesitate to set a plan in motion to oust the corrupt Balley from the circus. However, this plan uncovers far more secrets than she expected, including the discovery of Lucy and Paul’s bodies (the creators of the Sunflower Circus and parents of Chanel. An investigation is launched, evidence is found, and Balley is taken away for good.
    In the aftermath of the shocking events, the crew is left devastated. But Jess, who now considers these people her new family, rallies their spirits. Chanel and the crew members appoint her as the new director. With time, the Sunflower Circus gradually gets back on its feet. Crowds begin to flock once more, and before long, they have enough funds to relocate and build an entirely new circus, far larger than the original, transforming the Sunflower Circus into something far greater than just a simple circus!Due to the popularity of the Sunflower Circus, Jess's father one day appears at the circus to see his daughter again. Facing her, the king breaks down in tears and apologizes for what he said to her several years ago. He tells her he is proud of the woman she has become, proud that she has achieved her greatest dreams. Jess, compassionate, welcomes her father into her arms and forgives him, even though she still feels a bit upset deep down. Nonetheless, she is happy to reconnect with her family and to offer them performances she would have loved to share with them as a child.Ability
    Jess was born deaf. However, with the help of her web, she is able to perceive sound and vibrations using her tentacles. If one of her tentacles comes into contact with them, she can "hear" the sounds in her mind. Thanks to this ability, she can keep an eye on her entire circus and know everything that happens and is said within it.

    Commissioned art


    Fanarts: ✅ | SFW: ✅ | NSFW: ✅

    Gender:AMAB • He/HimOrientation:Homosexual
    Role T/B:TopRole D/S:Dom
    Height:160cm • 5.25ftWeight:64kg • 141lbs
    Species:Kentari spiderFrom:Kentari
    Job:Puppeter • Dancer • PerformerTheme:♫ Indila - Love story
    ArtisticCoton candy
    PassionateBe onstage


    • 8 eyes; 2 normal (pink) and 6 pearl shaped ones (brown). Sclera is brown.

    • Pink fangs.

    • Thick neck fluff.

    • Hair goes infront of his eyes except for 4 of them.

    • Heart shaped bang on the top of the head.

    • Thick tail which is not very convenient when moving around. Heart marking on it.

    • Fluffy hips.

    • Succubus marking on the pubis.

    • Pink and squishy joints.

    • 4 arms and 2 claw-toes.

    • Male genitalia is pretty big.


    Chanel was born and raised in the Sunflower Circus which was created by his parents Lucy and Paul when they were young. Passionated by dance from an early age, Chanel quickly finished on stage to share his artistic performances which was quickly noticed by the public. Little by little, he became the star of the circus. His parents and his circus family were proud of him. However, despite his loving entourage, Chanel was the only child in the circus and he sometimes felt very alone. His mother being the seamstress of the circus, was always making a new plush for his birthday. That’s how one day, he came up with the idea of "giving life" to his plushies to have friends to play with. Chanel then became interested in puppets, and began to train with his silk threads. He quickly became a master in the art of puppetry and made it his hobby. As a teenager, he enjoyed making jokes to the circus crew with the help of his stuffed animals turned puppets. He did not yet know that his toys would take on great importance in his life.
    The Stranger
    One day, a mysterious stranger was hired in the circus. He presented himself as Balley. At first, Chanel liked him. Balley was very kind and nice with him and was the only one taking time to play with him and his plushies. However, after several months of cohabitation within the circus, Balley became increasingly distant with the young Chanel. And as if that wasn’t enough, overnight, Chanel’s parents disappeared without a trace. The stranger then claimed to be the new director of the circus, and this is where Chanel's nightmare began.
    At a certain point, a woman named Jess is drawn to the disaster that the Sunflower Circus has become. Recognizing the true greatness of this unique place in Kentari, she decides to join the circus and fulfill one of her childhood dreams: becoming a clown. She quickly bonds with the crew, except for Balley, who, as usual, is only concerned with how much money he can make from the day’s performances.
    Jess takes a special interest in Chanel and soon learns his story. With a strong sense of justice, she doesn’t hesitate to set a plan in motion to oust the corrupt Balley from the circus. However, this plan uncovers far more secrets than she expected, including the discovery of Lucy and Paul’s bodies. An investigation is launched, evidence is found, and Balley is taken away for good.In the aftermath of the shocking events, the crew is left devastated. But Jess, who now considers these people her new family, rallies their spirits. Chanel and the crew members appoint her as the new director. With time, the Sunflower Circus gradually gets back on its feet. Crowds begin to flock once more, and before long, they have enough funds to relocate and build an entirely new circus, far larger than the original, transforming the Sunflower Circus into something far greater than just a simple circus!Ability
    Chanel being a Kentari Spider his silk of a pink hue has a special ability; If he sews a plush with his threads, the plush will come to life and will have the ability to move on it's own. However, it will always be connected by a single thread to Chanel, or at least his caravan that he considers the heart of his toys. If the thread is cut, the puppet will not be able to move on its own and will lose its semblance of life. The technique of the single wire connected to the "heart" also works on plush that he didn't sew, but they must also have wires connected to their head, arms and legs, so that they can move completely, which is much more restrictive.

    Commissioned art

    Ask my OCs

    On FurAffinity



    Dive with me into my imagination in the Whimsical and Colorful world of Kentari!

    Main places

    Species of Kentari

    All of the following species are Closed Species. Please do not make your own, thank you!

    Stardust City

    Stardust City is a floating island surrounded by an ocean of clouds, serving as the central setting for the adventures of my characters. This vibrant world is home to iconic locations such as the Lustful Palace, the Sunflower Circus, and the Cult of the Void, each situated in distinct areas of the city.Known for its colorful scenery and magical ambiance, Stardust City offers a tranquil haven where residents live peacefully, indulging in the pleasures of life.
    But beneath its serene surface, the city holds numerous secrets. From strange parasites that fuse with residents to sudden disappearances of individuals, Stardust City is a land of dreams and enigmas.

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    Lustful Palace

    The Lustful Palace is a place where people can experience the pleasure of lust. It offers its customers the opportunity to spend a torrid night with charming companies.
    However, the Lustful Palace is much more than a place for fun and spectacle. It is above all a refuge for certain individuals with painful pasts, who today are essential members of the Palace.

    Origin of the Lustful Palace

    The Lustful Palace was created few years ago. Beatriss, a former hitwoman who lost her husband during a mission, abandons her job to retrain in the world of pleasure. With the help of her faithful protector Sebastian, she invests in land and builds a place where she hopes to offer a moment of joy and pleasure to all those who, like her, live in sadness and suffering.

    The particularity of the Palace

    Despite its appearance of a tree, the Lustful Palace is in reality an entity governed by a heart that remains unknown to all. Outside of space and time, the palace lives with its inhabitants and changes according to their desires. Each resident has the chance to have a room that reflects their personality and preferences, and the inside of the tree will evolve with them over time. The roots and branches hear and see everything, and it's not uncommon for new rooms to appear when a new inhabitant surfaces, or when something changes within the Lustful Palace family. [censored text].

    Characters involved in this place

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    Sunflower Circus

    The Sunflower Circus is a circus that was created 36 years ago. Created by Chanel's parents; Lucy and Paul. He was one of the biggest and most famous circuses in Stardust City. But one day, a certain Balley is involved in the circus. Following his arrival, many things changed. Not only are Lucy and Paul missing, but Balley becomes director of the circus and slowly sinks it. Several artists resign following the loss of Lucy and Paul, and Balley's presence only worsens the situation of the Sunflower Circus, which sees its fame disappear. The circus must then find a new spot to settle in. The few artists loyal to the Sunflower Circus continue to perform to try to keep the circus and the story of Lucy and Paul alive... Chanel, son of the missing lovers, is under Balley's power and has no other choice than to obey him, for the moment... But he dreams of a life where everyone can escape, and live their passion freely.At a certain point, a woman named Jess is drawn to the disaster that the Sunflower Circus has become. Recognizing the true greatness of this unique place in Kentari, she decides to join the circus and fulfill one of her childhood dreams: becoming a clown. She quickly bonds with the crew, except for Balley, who, as usual, is only concerned with how much money he can make from the day’s performances.Jess takes a special interest in Chanel and soon learns his story. With a strong sense of justice, she doesn’t hesitate to set a plan in motion to oust the corrupt Balley from the circus. However, this plan uncovers far more secrets than she expected, including the discovery of Lucy and Paul’s bodies. An investigation is launched, evidence is found, and Balley is taken away for good.In the aftermath of the shocking events, the crew is left devastated. But Jess, who now considers these people her new family, rallies their spirits. Chanel and the crew members appoint her as the new director. With time, the Sunflower Circus gradually gets back on its feet. Crowds begin to flock once more, and before long, they have enough funds to relocate and build an entirely new circus, far larger than the original, transforming the Sunflower Circus into something far greater than just a simple circus!

    Characters involved in this place

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    Cult of the Void

    Far from being an original name, the Cult of the Void is a place where individuals gather to pray and celebrate the deity of the void. It was originally created by a woman named [...], who freed the void deity from its spiritual form by offering a male wolf’s body as a sacrifice. The deity took the offered body as a vessel.The problem? The void was never meant to have a physical form. Its mere material presence is a danger to Kentari. In its purest state, the void consumes everything in its path, and the offered body wouldn’t last long before being devoured by the void itself. For the deity of the void to contain its immense power within a body, it must consume flesh.This led to the rise of a macabre practice within the cult: the Midnight Feast. Every six months, a devotee is chosen as a sacrifice and offered to the God of the Void. With each feast, the deity gains a new body, transforming into a horrifying incarnation of body horror resembling a centipede.Fear quickly spread among the devotees, leading many to flee the cult. The media caught wind of the situation, sparking public outcry. New followers emerged, while others sought to fight the heresy of the cult. Yet, the void remained, rooted deep within Kentari’s foundations, unstoppable. If the void doesn’t feed, all of Kentari will be consumed... A chilling thought that haunted the population, including one particular being: Death itself.Death, the deity guiding souls to the afterlife, proposed a deal to the God of the Void. In exchange for sparing the living, Death would deliver the bodies of the deceased, with the consent of their loved ones.Unfortunately, the God of the Void refused to listen, preferring to maintain its gruesome rituals of terror and suffering. Death attempted to reason with the deity multiple times, but to no avail… until the day the God of the Void was defeated and replaced by a gentler, more sensitive being.Exhausted, Death warned this new entity about the mess they had inherited but neglected to mention the long-forgotten proposal that could have changed everything for this tormented soul, now burdened with regret and fear.

    Characters involved in this place

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    Simple render:
    pencil-like line art | flat coloration only | blush | lighting | soft rendering
    Around 15-20 layers | 3 to 5 hours of work | 300dpi - 2000px min
    Full render:
    pencil-like line art | colouration is made of a soft cell shade (one shadow layer and one lighting layer applied over all the flat colours folder) | blush | rendering
    Around 25-40 layers | 8 to 12 hours of work | 300dpi - 2000px min
    NEW: Deluxe render: (lower price offer until january 2024)
    clean line art | colouration is made with many layers of shadows and lights added over each flat colours layer parts (body, hair, eyes/nose/maw/paws, clothes, etc) to offer more dept to the piece and add many more details | blush | little extra rendering
    Around 80-170+ layers | 15 to 26 hours of work | 300dpi - 2000px min
    Refsheet prices:
    Flat render only
    1x Fullbody front (naked): 175€
    1x Fullbody back (naked): 175€
    1x Split back: 60€
    1x Side head view: 30€
    1x Eyes & mouth details: 10€
    1x Hands & feets details: 20€
    1x Expression (unlimited): 60€
    1x Outfit/alternative (unlimited): 50-80€
    + Extra details (jewellery, genitalia, etc): 5-20€

    + Additional characters cost 80% of the base price (Max 3). If you want one of my characters to pose with yours (SFW such as NSFW is alright) it will cost 70% of the base price.
    + Please keep in mind that as the artist I maintain all and asbolute rights on my works. This includes publishing the work on my socials, including the work in artbooks and adding it in my portfolio unless it was discussed otherwise with the client.
    + Please only provide colored refsheets.
    + I do only accept original characters.
    + Alternative versions, cumshots, floating hands, dicks etc is 15-70€.
    + Backgrounds will be discussed directly with you. The cost varies between 30-100€. according to the complexity.
    + Simple, Full and Deluxe Render are delivered with a png and a jpeg file + a timelapse of the work. You can ask for a psd file too, but a fee of 50€ will be asked.
    ✓ I will draw ✓
    NSFW - Femboys - Femdom - Futa - Domination/Submission - Pet Play - Tentacles - Stockings/Leg warmers - Puffy anus - Everything pastels - Aliens - Big thighs - Alt/Harajuku/Lolita fashion - Candy gore - BDSM - Cum inflation - Shibari/Bondage - Paws - Soft vore - Spanking - Preg - Extrem french kiss - Slime/goo - Harness - Chubby - Oviposition - Breeding - Any species - Original species - Cis/FtM/MtF/Herm characters - Any gender characters - Size difference - Feminine body type - Masculine body type - Mild muscular characters - SFW Feral
    If you have a specific kink that doesn't appear here, don't hesitate to tell me about it and I will see if I'm comfortable to draw it or not.
    I'm open to any kind of kinks except the ones that are written below, so don't be shy to ask!
    ✗ I WON'T DRAW ✗
    Underage characters/Cubs - NSFW feral - Scat - Diapers - Incest - Robots/Mecha - Armors/Weapons - Stolen characters - Licensed characters - Self-harm - Hateful or political activities - Humans - Bara - Violent scenes - Gore

    Terms of Service
    By commissioning me you agree to the following terms
    + You must be 18 years old or older to commission me. If I found out that you are a minor, a full refund will be given and you'll be blocked on my socials.
    + My work is exclusively digital. You therefore acknowledge that there will be no shipment or physical goods (unless it is written otherwise).
    + I reserve the right to decline any order if I don't feel comfortable with it, or not able to work on it.
    + My work is for personal and private use only. That means I do not allow my work to be used for any reason on unauthorized commercial purposes or profit unless commercial usage are accorded and discussed with the client during the order.
    + As the artist I maintain all and asbolute rights on my works. This includes publishing the work on my socials, including the work in artbooks and adding it in my portfolio unless it was discussed otherwise with the client.
    + Neither commissioner nor anyone else is allowed to edit, trace, copy my work or remove my watermark from the finished product.
    + You are not allowed to claim my art as your own, even in the case of a paid commission. You must credit me ©Sunshiu and/or put a link to one of my socials if you want to publish a paid commission from me.
    + No one is allowed to mint my artworks as a NFT (Non Fungible Token). My art, wether commissioned, pre-existing or future, can not be minted into an NFT by commissioner nor anyone else.
    + I strictly prohibit usage of my artworks for AI learning.
    + Payment is trough Paypal only. The payment must be done within 48 hours or else your order will be denied.
    + Payment plan can be discussed if the amount is over 300€.
    + I will begin your commission only once the full payment has been sent.
    + Any edits can be made during the sketching stage, however I can also make small edits at final stage if needed. Don't hesitate to poke me if something is wrong on your commission. Once the sketch is approved I'll start working on the lineart, the coloring, the shadings, etc.
    + Turnaround time is from 1 to 2 months. I do NOT work on commissions/YCH the weekends. Deadlines orders can be arranged, but to do so you must order at least 1 month earlier or else your order will be denied.
    + I do not allow chargebacks or Paypal disputes. Refunds will be given exclusively by me. They will be available in different percentages depending on the commission's status:
    ⦿ Total refund will only be given if I haven't started working on your commission yet.
    ⦿ I will only refund 70% of the total commission price if a refund is requested during the sketching stage.
    ⦿ I will only refund 50% of the total commission price if a refund is requested during the lining stage.
    ⦿ I will only refund 30% of the total commission price if a refund is requested during the flat coloring stage.
    ⦿ NO refunds will be given during the shading stage or if the commission is finished.